Life Update
Just a nice little life update for any interested in reading!
Where do I even start?
It has been close to year since I touched my website… I guess that is kind of sad. I don’t mean to leave my website so desolate, but I also won’t lie in that I don’t have much to update.
Instead of writing so much here, I will just suffice and say that I am happy where I am in life and am taking my time to enjoy it.
Sorry to be pretty boring and not add much!
Here are some pics from my recent life:
From my cousins recent wedding! Congrats Lizzie and Eric!
The first time I got to pet a shark!! Texas State Aquarium is a must see when in Corpus Christi!
Another pic from the aquarium with our friends!
Our lil fiends begging for a treat as I try to get a cute picture of them. 🐱 🐱
The cyber club alumni event!!